Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dallas Morning News Endorsements, Pt. 1

Just a few years ago, if you went to the Dallas Morning News (DMN) to read the political endorsements you’d see nothing but Republicans. Today, the DMN is reflecting the changes in Dallas County voting. Here’s a brief review of the first round of endorsements:

Criminal District Court No. 2 – Don Adams “has won praise from both sides of the courtroom and has significantly lowered his court's cost-per-disposition ratio by handling more pleas and jury trials.”

Criminal District Court No.3 - Gracie Lewis “A broader, more thoughtful perspective helps make Judge Lewis the better choice.”

Criminal District Court No. 4 – Judge John Creuzot “He is a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Democrat-again…Regardless of what letter is next to his name, Judge Creuzot's performance merits his re-election.”

Civil District Court No. 14 – Eric Moyé “He has experience that the younger Republican can't match.”

Civil District Court. No. 95 – Ken Molberg “We questioned him closely, and his answers satisfied us that Mr. Molberg can become the latest example of a North Texas judge to make the transition from political warfare to effective and impartial judicial leadership.”

Civil District Court No. 162 – Judge Lorraine Raggio “Judge Raggio is fair and thorough, and she should be returned to the bench.’’

It’s not surprising to see that the DMN endorses these strong candidates who all happen to be Democrats. It is, however, more surprising to see that the paper stepped out of a comfort zone to recommend a John Ames for Tax-Assessor Collector over longtime seat-holder David Childs. Problems and lack of progress in the Childs administration led the DMN to say, “We expect that Mr. Ames will build on what good work Dr. Childs has done and make the county office even better.”

In the coming weeks it will be interesting to see how the news rates other candidates. While I’m pleased to see so many Democrats earning the paper’s praise, as an attorney I want to make sure that we are assured of the most qualified, most impartial judges – regardless of party.

For more information on the candidates and to read their responses to the DMN questionnaire, go here.

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